Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday 7 AM to 3 PM
Closed Saturdays and Holidays
The Readington Township Public Works Facility at 287 Mountain Road in Whitehouse Station is open to Readington Township residents ONLY and is not open for commercial use. Please keep children and pets inside your vehicle at all times for safety.
REMINDER: Cardboard, newspaper, co-mingle and junk mail/magazines WILL NOT be accepted at the Public Works Facility . These items can be placed into your curbside container for normal bi-weekly recycling pick up.
The following materials are accepted on a regular basis:
WHITE GOODS (by permit only)
Hot water heaters, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, stoves/ovens, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners. These items can only be disposed of with a permit. Permits are $5 each and available at the Public Works Facility, Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 3 PM. One (1) permit per appliance.
Readington Township Public Works facility is now accepting electronic waste at NO COST. The ONLY items accepted are TV’s, computers, computer monitors, printers, fax machines. NO other electronic items will be accepted. Drop off hours are 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. (e-waste accepted)
Accepted: Ferrous and non-ferrous metals (items must be at least 90% metal to be accepted as scrap metal), steel, iron, aluminum. Non-metallic materials (i.e. plastics) that are easily removed must be removed from the scrap metal. Any fuel tanks must be removed and all oils and fluids drained from engines, transmissions or differentials.
Not Accepted: Pressurized gas cylinders or containers (i.e. propane gas for grills), aerosol cans, paint cans/buckets, wire, wire fencing, nails, screws, bed springs, vehicle exhaust system components, fuel tanks of any kind.
Once items are dropped off they become the property of the Township, therefore, no salvaging is permitted.
BRUSH DEBRIS (by permit only)
Accepted: Tree limbs, branches, sticks, Christmas trees, logs, shrubs, stumps. These items can only be disposed of with a permit. Permits are issued as follows:
$25 per car load
$50 per pick-up truck load or trailer equivalent to pick-up truck bed size
$100 for pick-up trailer larger than a pick-up truck bed size
Permits are available at the Public Works Facility, Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 3 PM.
Not Accepted: lumber, leaves, vines, thorny brush
Lead acid batteries are accepted provided the outside casing is intact and all cells are covered. Batteries can be placed next to the sign marked “Batteries” in the Public Works Yard.
Not Accepted: If any acid is leaking from the batteries, they will NOT be accepted.
HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES – We do not accept household batteries (the alkaline type), these may be disposed of in your trash.
Accepted: Re-chargeable batteries ONLY, such as the type from tools, household phones, computers, toys, etc. (Ni-MH, Ni-Cd, Li-Ion, Ni-Zn), cell phones and cell phone batteries. This is funded by Call2Recycle – for more information on this program, visit
Household Clean-up (Bulky Waste disposal)
The Township does NOT pick up bulky waste – residents must transport their own household bulky waste to the Public Works Facility. Purchase of permit and disposal of bulky waste may be done during business hours Mon – Fri, 7am – 3pm, April through October. See office personnel before unloading.
Permits are $50 each and can be purchased at the Public Works Facility, Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 3 PM. No refunds and no duplicates will be issued. For more information, or for any questions about materials not covered in the above categories, contact the Public Works Facility at 908-534-1058.
Passenger vehicle/ Pickup -$10 per tire without rim
Passenger vehicle/ Pickup- $20 per tire with rim attached
Tractor tires-$50 per tire (rims must be removed)
$5 per gallon (NO BULK DROP OFFS) drop off for this item must be scheduled in advance with DPW Office. Waste Oil containers must be removed from the facilities once emptied. We accept Automotive and Cooking Oil.
$5 per gallon (NO BULK DROP OFFS) drop off for this item must be scheduled in advance with DPW Office. Waste Oil containers must be removed from the facilities once emptied.
Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day
Monday, January 20th, Martin Luther King Day
Wednesday, February 12th, Lincoln’s Birthday
Monday, February 17th, Presidents' Day
Friday, April 18th,Good Friday
Monday, May 26th, Memorial Day
Friday, July 4th, Independence Day
Monday, September 1st, Labor Day
Monday, October 13th, Columbus Day
Tuesday, November 11th, Veterans Day
Thursday, November 27th, Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28th, Day after Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 24th, ½ Day Christmas Eve (Noon)
Thursday, December 25th, Christmas Day
Friday, December 26th, Day after Christmas
Wednesday, December 31st, ½ Day New Year’s Eve (Noon)